Pov Hwm Yej Yaj Rally speech at Hmong New Year Issues Meeting at Hmong Village

2018-03-05 12

Pov Hwm Yej Yaj tham txog qhov Hmoob yuav tsum los sib koom tes thiab sib txhawb.\r
Your opinions are all welcome and greatly appreciated. You are free to express all your opinions in a way that you believe or want to. However, Please DO NOT post comments that are inappropriate or assaulting the privacy of others. Thanks for your understanding.\r
Ceeb Toom: \r
Koj xav sau ntawv nthuav tawm txog kev xav ntawm koj tus kheej li cas los yeej tau. Peb zoo siab thiab txais tos cov lus uas koj sau thuav txog koj qhov kev xav thiab koj lub tswv yim. Tabsis, thov koj txhob sau cov lus tsis zoo nkauj uas yuav tsis taus thiab tej lus uas mob thiab saib tsis taus lwm tus tib neeg. Ua tsaug rau qhov koj tos taub zoo txog qhov saum no.

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