The Jersey Devil: The Hairless Squirrel (Axis Video/Pine Barren Films)

2018-03-03 15

The Jersey Devil: The Hairless Squirrel (Axis Video/Pine Barren Films)

The Jersey Devil: The Hairless Squirrel

NOTE: along with the proof that the creature is NOT the Jersey Devil, but just a simple squirrel, in this video we decided to have a little fun and take an alarmist approach to the intro...enjoy!

In the summer of 2013 there were news reports (and a photo!!) supporting that the Jersey Devil did exist. It first appeared on the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation's website.

The photo made its rounds all over the internet, along with much speculation of what was depicted.

It is curious to note that the animal in the photo does not have wings, as many popular renditions of the Jersey Devil portrayed him to have.

Also this animal does not have cloven hooves as many eyewitnesses reported. That aside, to the
casual observer, the creature in this photo can appear "Jersey Devil like".

A few months later another photo taken at the same location and of the same creature, but from an
alternative angle, surfaced.

The second photo clearly shows what the creature is...a squirrel. Now this is either a hairless squirrel or one that suffers from mange or rabies (due to it lacking hair). But you can clearly see that it is a squirrel. Also it came to light that the photo was taken in Oklahoma and not in New Jersey, as originally reported.

As a side note, the photo in question was also making the rounds as proof of the Chupacabra.

For further reading for information concerning the Jersey Devil, pick up a copy of "THE SEARCH FOR THE JERSEY DEVIL: Revisited" by Chris Chaos

The Article: