19 Of The Scariest Things Ever Found In Bathrooms

2018-03-03 14

From Bigger Isnt Always Better to Pipes Full of Gators here are 19 Of The Scariest Things Ever Found In Bathrooms. \r
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#10 - Rats, Horrible Rats!\r
Most people stick rats with horrible connotations of being dirty, disease-ridden animals that go through your garbage and poison everything you hold dear. Nothing could be further from the truth. Rats are clean animals that make great pets, are even smarter than mice, guinea pigs, or hamsters, and they rarely carry diseases. Still, a lot of people dont or wont appreciate rats. This Ratatouille will help solidify their fear since a rat coming out of anyones toilet is sure to give you a fright. \r
#9 - Larger Than Life\r
Finding bugs swimming in your toilet is never a good thing, finding giant bugs is even worse. Having a millipede crawling up your toilets plumbing has to been one of the scariest things you could have in there. It looks like its trying to stand up out of the water. \r
#8 - Thats A Live One\r
When police were called to check out an unusual object in an outdoor bathroom, they never expected to find a bomb waiting for them. In Stockport, England, they removed and later detonated the live WW2 era bomb that had been found in the outdoor toilet. \r
#7 - Youve Got Crabs\r
No, not the ually transmitted disease, an ual crustacean. This guy would have had to crawl a long ways to get inside this toilet. Good thing the owner of this house spotted him before he sat down. Getting pinched on your butt or other sensitive places by a crabs pincers is not good to give you good results, thats for sure. \r
#6 - A New Neighbor\r
When a South Florida family couldnt flush their toilet, they decided to bring in professional plumbers. It wasnt long after the plumber started work when the Florida family heard a blood-curdling scream erupt from inside the questionable bathroom. Alisa Scott, the plumber, had found a foot and a half long iguana that had decided to move into the bathroom plumbing.\r
#5 - The Drowning Squirrel \r
A woman from Winnipeg did what anyone would do when they hear creepy and unusual noises coming from her guest bathroom; she went to check it out. After opening the door to the bathroom, she discovered a squirrel floundering about in her toilet, unable to get out. She ed fast and grabbed a pair of BBQ tongs from a drawer in the kitchen and fished the little guy out. She gave him a bath in the tub before releasing it outside in her backyard. \r
#4 - Bigger Isnt Always Better\r
Snakes, in general, may be larger in Australia, but the python one Texan mother found in her bathroom certainly put the one found in Australia to shame. The snake from Australia you saw earlier was just three feet long, which is scary enough. This snake from Texas is 12-feet long. Veronica Rodriguez, the mother, still has no idea how the snake got in there in the first place.\r
#3 - Flesh Eating Lizards\r
A few years ago, a Norwegian boy ran to his mother, begging her to come look at what he had found inside the toilet. The mother, who assumed that he had to show her his completed business, was shocked when they lifted the lid of the toilet and saw what was sitting in the toilet bowl. Staring up at them was a large Teju, a carnivorous lizard found in parts of South America. It was lucky that the boy hadnt sat down or the lizard would have surely bit him. The Teju is so dangerous that it is illegal to keep one as a pet in numerous countries around the world. \r
#2 - Roadkill Not Dead\r
A man living in Dallas, Texas got the shock of his life when he entered his bathroom to do his business and found a little wet possum staring up at him from the toilet bowl. The little guy was soaked and out of breath when the man found him and was later believed to have crawled through at least 50 feet of waterlogged pipes in order to make it through the toilet and into the bathroom. Even though the pictures look cute, the man who discovered it shut the toilet lid on the creature and waited for animal control to arrive and take the animal away.\r
#1 - Pipes Full of Gators\r
It wasnt full of multiple alligators, but the one found in a plumbing pipe back in 2006 weighed 600-pounds and filled up the entire pipe by itself. The gator got stuck in a pipe down in Texas, and it took a whole team of people just to get him out. Hopefully, next time the alligator will think twice before it tries to fit itself into a pipe that is too small.