Fiber OLED with width of single hair developed by Korean researchers

2018-03-02 4

South Korea is one of the frontrunners when it comes to developing OLED technology.
The nation's OLED sector has recently taken some notable steps ahead with a number of groundbreaking developments.
One is the development of an OLED fiber that's thinner than a human hair.
Cho Sung-min reports.

Local researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology have developed a way to put OLEDs on fibers thinner than 90 micrometers, the width of a human hair.
With this technology, OLED fibers could be woven into knitted clothes and other objects.

The new method uses a special coating procedure.
Commonly-used fiber materials including polyester and cotton are dipped into a specially synthesized liquid... at which point they are coated in even layers with OLED components.
Once the procedure is complete, and voltage is applied, the fibers glow.

Researchers say the method is the best way to install OLEDs on fiber. And they say the coated fibers are just as power-efficient as the OLED panels that go into televisions.

"Dozens or even hundreds of nanometer-sized particles were evenly layered around the fibers. The coated OLED fibers show performance levels similar to standard OLED panels."

The research team said the method could be applied to various fiber materials... and will be a key technology significantly enhancing the quality of products coming onto the market for wearable devices.
Cho Sung-min, arirang news.