The body of Bollywood's first woman superstar Sridevi has now been merged into the five elements. Apart from Kapoor's family, Sridevi's death also has a wave of mourning in the film and politics world. Nobody is convinced that this great celebrity will say goodbye to the world so soon. Sridevi went to Dubai to attend a marriage with her family, due to which the death of Sridevi was not solved. It is being said that Sridevi came to heart attack and it is said that Sridevi's death was due to water drowning. Right now we are going to tell you a story about which you have already heard before marrying Bonnie to actress Shree Devi married
All this is known to all that the name of Sridevi, who has climbed the stairs of success in the 80s, is associated with many actors of that period, but it is said that before joining Boney Kapoor in 1996, Sridevi went to the temple quietly He was married to veteran actor Mithun Chakraborty of that period. Sridevi had kept his marriage hidden from Mithun for 3 years, but when there was talk of choosing one of Mithun's wife and Sridevi, he did not arrive at the last rites of his wife chosen Sridevi.
You may be very surprised to hear these times, but it is completely true that Sridevi and Mithun had married in 1985, but these two of them did not last long enough, and in 1988 they were separated has decided. Many celebrities of Bollywood had come to give their last farewell to Sridevi's funeral, but one person could not come to see him last. She was called Sree Devi's first husband, Gemini, for this reason Gemini did not go to Sridevi's last visit to live. Yes Gemini did not come to see Sridevi's last appearance. Now the question arises that why did the Gemini not join Sridevi's last visit, tell you that the relationship between Bonni and Gemini deteriorated due to Sridevi being called the first husband. For this reason, Bonnie did not even like to talk to Gemini. It is said that Gemini had not gone to see Sridevi's last appearance due to bitterness between himself and Bonni's relationship.