Dutch Supermarket Introduces Plastic-Free Aisle

2018-03-01 15

Dutch Supermarket Introduces Plastic-Free Aisle
“If we don’t do anything about this, 50 years down the road, we will have more plastic than fish in the oceans,” Frans Timmermans,
the vice president of the European Commission, the European Union’s executive body, told reporters in January.
Items in the European Union’s cross hairs: drinking straws, plastic bottles, coffee cups
and lids — none of which were available to shoppers browsing the new aisle in western Amsterdam on Wednesday.
The same month, the European Union rolled out a plan to make all plastic on the European market recyclable by 2030.
Sian Sutherland, co-founder of A Plastic Planet, an advocacy group
that has pushed the concept, said the initiative was “a landmark moment for the global fight against plastic pollution.”
The plastic-free aisle contains about 700 items, including meats, sauces, cereals, yogurt and chocolate.
On Wednesday, the supermarket, Ekoplaza, an upmarket chain, introduced what it billed as the world’s first plastic-free aisle in a store in Amsterdam.