Dark SECRETS Walmart DOESNT Want You To Know!

2018-02-27 3

Check out these dark secrets walmart doesn't want you to know! This top 10 list of disturbing facts about the people of walmart you probably didn't know will leave you shocked at what's really happening behind the scenes of walmart!

10.) Walmart is as Rich as a Country
If Walmart were a country it would be in the list of the top 30 richest countries in the world! In fact, in the past few years, Walmart would have been on the list as numbers 28 and 25. It is said that Walmart could actually destroy several countries around the world. The financial capability of Walmart would be right up there on the list with countries like Turkey, Switzerland and the Netherlands. In 2012 Walmart basked in a shocking $444 billion in sales. This is $20 billion more than Australia’s yearly Gross Domestic Product. Walmart makes about $1.8 million in sales every single hour, which is more than most people earn in a lifetime.

9.) Sales Aren’t Always Sales
Walmart is great for finding some good deals, and as they always advertise, they always have low prices. Many locations will also price match! However, Walmart tends to lie about many of their sales prices. Research has shown that many times Walmart actually sells things at the recommended retail price. But to trick people into believing it is a sale, they put a sale sticker around the item with the regular price. This trick makes you think you are getting something on sale but in reality customers are not saving any money by buying the item at Walmart. However, it is not just Walmart that plays into this trick. Many major retail chains do this and you just have to be an educated consumer and not fall into their trap!!! The other day I saw a product on sale and it was a 2 cent price drop.

8.) Low Wages
Walmart is known for paying some of the lowest wages in the US, sometimes even under minimum wage. Walmart uses every trick in the book to keep costs low, and they are professionals. Allegedly they have assisted illegal immigrants in crossing the border and only allow legal employees to work 32 hours per week so they can't receive full-time employee benefits. How they help people cross the border I have no idea. Does Walmart have Coyotes? Or pay off border patrol? Or build tunnels? They may be involved in all kinds of shenanigans we don’t know about. The more you learn about the extensive reach of corporations, the scarier everything gets.
Walmart is also known to intentionally only pay workers minimum wage so the employees have to take advantage of government assistance programs. Therefore, Walmart saves money on both their employees' salaries and does not have to provide them with any benefits. In a report published by the House Committee of Education and Welfare, they estimated that if a Walmart had around 200 employees, they would use $420,750 of federal taxpayers money per year, or over $2 thousand per employee!