Ashab e Kahf - This is Short Story of Ashab e kahf waqia in Urdu / Hindi Language by Muhammad Usman ashab e kahaf was a small group of people almost seven persons and one Dog they had with them. Actually king of their city was idol worshiper himself and he forced other peoples to worship idols but this small group of peoples ( ashab e kahaf ) rejected worshiping idols because they were Muslims So They decided to leave that city and hide in a dark cave after that king of that city ordered to search them when he knows that that group of peoples is in the cave he made a wall front of that cave. then after more than 300 years someone broke the wall and they all wake up with the commandment of Allah subhana hu wa ta'aala. But they did not know that they were sleeping since almost 309 years. For more detail please watch Video Thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe to get regular new videos