I’m Glad I Got Booed at CPAC

2018-02-26 10

I’m Glad I Got Booed at CPAC
This year, in addition to the president and vice president, CPAC invited Marion Maréchal-Le
Pen, granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen and niece of National Front leader Marine Le Pen.
And how can we participate in any conversation about sexual ethics when the Republican president
and the Republican Party backed a man credibly accused of child molestation for the United States Senate?
Ask me that at a cocktail party and I will talk your ear off about how the very people who had lectured us about the utter venality
of workplace sexual harassment throughout the 1980s became suddenly quiescent when the malefactor was Bill Clinton.
Ms. Maréchal-Le Pen is a member of the National Front party,
and far from distancing herself from her Holocaust-denying, anti-Semitic and racist grandfather, she has offered him a more full-throated endorsement than her aunt has.
My panel was about the #MeToo movement, which was a natural for me since my new book coming out in
June, “Sex Matters,” grapples with the movement and other aspects of our fraught sexual ecosystem.
How can conservative women hope to have any credibility on the subject of sexual harassment
or relations between the sexes when they excuse the behavior of President Trump?
I fell hard for William F. Buckley as a teenager and my first job was as editorial assistant at Buckley’s National
Review, followed by stints writing speeches for first lady Nancy Reagan and then working for the Gipper himself.

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