Well they are doing it; it certainly seems that they are politically weaponizing the Parkland School ‘incident’ and inciting Civil War again, while we just had another attempt on Trump’s life, as secret service agents responded to a suspicious vehicle near the White House and evacuated the New Executive Office building, also closing traffic on part of 7th Street. Let’s see how this all ties in with their multi-lateral attacks through social engineering programs and more.
My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. Please SUBSCRIBE below and check out my links if you find this video informative. Thanks for watching and please HELP SAVE THE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA. Spread the link! God Bless you all and may you be victorious against the evil forces of deceit that are enslaving the human spirit. QUESTION AUTHORITY and KNOW YOUR ENEMY.
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LINKEDIN- http://www.linkedin.com/andrea-giardina-680a58a
E-MAIL- redskies00@hotmail.com
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