Theodor Döhler - Piano Concerto in A major, Op. 7 (First Recording)

2018-02-20 39

Döhler’s Concerto, composed in 1836, has an imposing dedication to ‘Sa Majesté La Reine de Naples, Marie Isabelle de Bourbon, Infante d’Espagne, Mére [sic] du Roi Ferdinand II du Royaume des Deux Siciles’. The opening of the concerto is equally imposing (Maestoso, tutti, fortissimo), presenting the two contrasted main subjects in conventional style. The soloist takes them up with enthusiasm, unleashing over the next six minutes a virtually non-stop fusillade of rapid runs in thirds, sixths and contrary motion, with some huge leaps along the way. Trills piled on trills (Hummel would have been proud!) lead inevitably back to the main subject followed by a change of key to C major and a Chopinesque third subject. At 8'31'' Döhler takes another turn, modulating briefly to C sharp minor for his next idea in jabbering semiquavers. Brilliant triplet scale passages return the music to the tonic and an attenuated recapitulation of the two main subjects. After a repeat of some of the vigorously decorated material from earlier, the movement storms to a conclusion.

The short slow movement (Adagio) in F major also begins fortissimo and tutti, but here the soloist enters after a few bars with another theme reminiscent of Chopin, before filigree runs quickly increase in intensity leading, unusually, to a cadenza (Presto). This segues into the jaunty 2/4 rondo finale (Allegretto). Döhler’s second subject is a suave cavatina that soon breaks into his now familiar passages of breathtaking triplet runs, repeated notes and other keyboard athletics. A third subject appears at 2'22''. The tutti which finally gives the soloist a few moments respite is not the rondo theme but a newcomer. When the rondo theme finally reappears at 4'45'' it is succeeded by a fourth theme (Più lento and cantabile) in D major. Yet another idea is introduced at 6'54'', nominally in D minor and marked Vivo e brillante. The final pages make extreme demands on the soloist’s dexterity and precision.

I. Maestoso 00:00
II. Adagio 13:41
III. Allegretto 17:50

Soloist (piano): Howard Shelley
Orchestra: Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Howard Shelley

Painting: Portrait of the Queen of the two Sicilies, Maria Isabel de Borbón
Artist: Vicente Lopéz Portaña
Date: 1831

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