Expressions of love, memory, honor, hope, prayer, and thanksgiving conveyed in the cross - 2009

2018-02-18 6

Expressions of memory, honor, love, prayer, peace, and thanksgiving involving over one thousand persons are conveyed in the first phase of the brick cross constructed immediately due south of the main entrance to The Church of Saint Mary, Massillon, Ohio. The video is accompanied by the joyous pealing of the bells in the southwest tower and a very short medley by the Saint Mary.Men and Boys Choir under the direction of the late Harold R. Conti, Organist and Choirmaster. The selections in the medley include the Hymn of Peace (D. Gillis); The Lord is My Shepherd (arranged by H.R. Conti); Veni Jesu Amor Mi (Luigi Cherubini, arranged by H.R. Conti); The Lord's Prayer (composed by H.R. Conti in 1960); Ave Maria (Franz Schubert); and God of Our Fathers (G.W. Warren).