Diplomats in Cuba Suffered Brain Injuries. Experts Still Don’t Know Why.

2018-02-16 2

Diplomats in Cuba Suffered Brain Injuries. Experts Still Don’t Know Why.
Processing speed, inability to remember — those are such classic symptoms we see
in concussion." "We all believe this is a real syndrome," Dr. Smith added.
Muth said that you do
Muth said that With certain symptoms, you have to take the word of people describing the symptoms,
A control group would have shown whether the diplomats who were posted in Cuba did better or worse than other subjects similar
to them — ideally others in the State Department who also reported sleep problems, which can interfere with thinking.
15, 2018
A group of American diplomats stationed in Havana appear to have symptoms of concussion
without ever having received blows to their heads, medical experts have found.
Dr. Smith and his colleagues do not think audible sound caused the injuries, as sound in an audible range does not damage the brain.

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