New South Africa Leader Faces Old Question: Is There Will to Fight Corruption?
Goodness Mkhize said that I won’t be encouraged by the new leadership until I see them taking action,
15, 2018
JOHANNESBURG — As Parliament took just eight minutes on Thursday to elect Cyril Ramaphosa as South Africa’s new president, the governing African National Congress rushed
to put the era of Jacob Zuma behind it, showing little appetite to grapple with the central problem afflicting the party, and the country — a culture of corruption.
" "In the course of the investigation," Mr. Ndletyana said, referring to the inquiry into influence-peddling, "you’ll be stepping on powerful toes." "You might even embarrass the party," he added.
that Whether or not it is lasting, that is for the future to tell.
Ace Magashule, the party’s secretary general, said emphatically earlier in the week
that the former president had "not been found guilty by any court of law" and had not "done anything wrong." Mr. Zuma himself complained that party leaders, in demanding his resignation, gave him no explanation.
Lawson Naidoo said that It’s a legitimate question that Zuma asked,
Mcebisi Ndletyana said that There is commitment to fight corruption in the new government,