Trump’s Approval Rating Has Dropped In Every State But One Over The Past Year

2018-02-14 5

Over the past year, President Trump’s approval rating has dropped in every state but one, according to a poll new poll conducted by Morning Consult.

Over the past year, President Trump's approval rating has dropped in every state but one, according to a poll new poll conducted by Morning Consult.  It shows that Alabama is the only place where Trump's numbers have held strong. In fact, he's now up by 1 point, having gone from 62% approval in January 2017 to 63% approval in January 2018.  The rest of the nation has apparently reacted differently over the past 12 months.  Morning Consult illustrates such changes in opinion via an interactive colored map. It allows users to slide through month-by-month and watch as states, excluding Alabama, change from approving deep green to less approving lighter green and, for many, into varying intensities of disapproving red.  Though approval has lessened in many states, Trump's numbers in some have remained relatively high. He stands at 60% in Wyoming, 59% in West Virginia, and 57% in Louisiana. On the other end of the approval spectrum are Hawaii and Vermont at 30% and Washington, D.C. with 16%.  In calculating and tracking the month-by-month changes, Morning Consult referenced roughly 800,000 surveys conducted from January 20, 2017 to January 29, 2018.