Ultimate Frisbee Dynamic Warm Up: How To Prevent Injuries & Perform better!

2018-02-13 3

Insync Physiotherapy
4088 Cambie St. #102
Vancouver, BC   V5Z 2X8
Hey, I’m Claire McDonald, I’m from INSYNC PHYSIO. We’re here today to shoot a dynamic warm up for Ultimate Frisbee. We’re doing this because it’s going to help loosen up our muscles, get our muscles activated before we play. It’s also going to help prevent injuries as well. This should take about 10 to 15 minutes to do; So We’ll get started! Ok, so we’re going to get into starting the warm up. When you first start out, you want to run for about 5 to 10 minutes… so a few laps around the field, depending on the temperature and how you’re feeling. But then as you get into these exercises you’re going to do each one about 20 yards or so back and forth of half the width of the field. So we’re going to get into our dynamic warm up. The first exercise we are going to do is going to be a “Side step” with a nice big arm swing out to the side making sure you get a big full arm extension. You guys ready to go? Alright, So the second exercise we are going to do we are going to do a “Skip with a nice big arm swing” forward. So let’s do that one. Ok, so the next exercise we are going to do is a “Carioca patterning”. So we’ll go one way on the way out and the other way on the way back. Alright, the next exercise we are going to do is going to be a “High Knees”. So making sure your core is engaged… Nice high knees up to your chest! Alright, so the next one we’re going to is a “Butt kick”. So with this one again you want to make sure your core is engaged, nice tall posture kicking right up towards your butt ok. Ok, the next exercise we are going to do is a “Toe touch”, which is really going to get our hamstrings going. So with this one as well you want to make sure you’re balancing nice and well and controlling the motion. So ready? Alright, so the next one we are going to do is a “Toe touch as we do a little bit of hop forwards”; so a little bit of a momentum going forwards. So opposite arm touching opposite foot. The next one we are going to do is a “Lunge with a bit of a Spinal Twist.” So with this one when you come down into a lunge you want to make sure your knee is nice and strong and is not transferring over into the inside of your knee and staying right over top of your toes. Alright. Ok. So the next one we are going to do is a “Hurdler” motion. So on the way there we’re going to go backwards and on the way here we’re going to come forwards and rotate inwards Ok…Ok, we’re going to go inwards. Next we’re going to do like a “Knee Hug” just to warm up our hips to get them stretched out. And the next one we’re going to do is a sort of “Sky The Disc”. So you’re going to come up with whatever arm you want to jump with… with the same knee coming up towards you so that way you can get a little higher with it. Good Stuff! Alright, so this part of our warm up is getting the arms nice and warmed up....