Catholic Bishop Says He’s Willing to Step Down for Vatican Deal With Beijing

2018-02-12 9

Catholic Bishop Says He’s Willing to Step Down for Vatican Deal With Beijing
Bishop Guo said that Our principle is that the Chinese Catholic Church must have a connection with the Vatican; the connection cannot be severed.
Speaking in his first interview since news of the deal broke last month, Bishop Guo said
that if he were presented with an verifiably authentic document from the Vatican, "then we must obey Rome’s decision." "Our consistent stand is to respect the deal made between the Vatican and the Chinese government," Bishop Guo said before evening Mass at the underground cathedral in this small town.
He said the authorities don’t realize that cutting the local church off from the global church made local Catholics into "second-class believers." While Catholics from other countries can make the rules
that the global church members live by, Chinese aren’t allowed by Beijing to participate.
The bishop, Guo Xijin, 59, is one of at least two "underground" bishops — those recognized by the Roman Catholic Church
but not by Chinese authorities — who have been asked by the Vatican to step down in favor of Communist-approved bishops.
By IAN JOHNSON and ADAM WU FEB. 11, 2018
SAIQI, China — A Chinese Catholic bishop at the center of a dispute between the Vatican
and China said on Sunday he would respect any deal worked out between the two powers.
" he said. that I once said to the Chinese government
that when you restrict churches in China to contact Rome, in fact you are slapping your own face,