2018-02-09 2

Get Ice Stone, Metal Coat, Dragon Scale and the rest in Pokemon Sun and Moon\r
Dawn Stone: Hauoli City or Poké Pelago\r
Deep Sea Scale: Battle Tree or Wild Encounter: Chinchou, Relicanth\r
Deep Sea Tooth: Battle Tree or Wild Encounter: Sharpedo\r
Dragon Scale: Battle Tree or Wild Encounter: Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite\r
Dubious Disc: Battle Tree or Aether Paradise\r
Dusk Stone: Poni Wilds or Poké Pelago\r
Electirizer: Seafolk Village, Battle Tree or Wild Encounter: Elekid, Electabuzz\r
Fire Stone: Digletts Tunnel, Poké Pelago, or Konikoni City Shop\r
Ice Stone: Po Town or Poké Pelago\r
Kings Rock: Checkout my video or Battle Tree\r
Leaf Stone: Poké Pelago or Konikoni City Shop\r
Magmarizer: Seafolk Village, Battle Tree or Wild Encounter: Magby,\r
Metal Coat: Wild Encounter - Magnemite, Skarmory, Beldum\r
Moon Stone: Route 13 or Poké Pelago\r
Oval Stone: Paniola Ranch or Poké Pelago\r
Prism Scale: Exeggutor Island\r
Protector: Paniola Town or Battle Tree\r
Razor Claw: Wild Encounter - Jangmo-o, Hakamo-o, Kommo-o\r
Razor Fang: Wild Encounter - Bruxish\r
Reaper Cloth: Malie City or Battle Tree\r
Sachet: Konikoni City or Battle Tree\r
Shiny Stone: Ancient Poni Path or Poké Pelago\r
Sun Stone: Blush Mountain or Poké Pelago\r
Thunderstone: Route 8, Poké Pelago, or Konikoni City Shop\r
Up-Grade: Aether House or Battle Tree\r
Water Stone: Route 8, Poké Pelago, or Konikoni City Shop\r
Whipped Dream: Konikoni City or Battle Tree\r
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