3 Vs 5 - Paragon - Noobs Destroyed

2018-02-08 11

Hey guys love this game and we play and win with 3. We fight and destroy some Noobs. They fight well and we end up taking the day. My team mates where amazing and they pushed hard on their lanes! Was fun an exciting always worried we may loose it, lucky for us the other team was not that experienced! Enjoy the video and remember to LCS Like, Comment and Subscribe!

Paragon is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game developed by Epic Games, where two teams of 5 players are pitted against each other. The players have to fight their way to the enemy Core by destroying Towers and outplaying their opponents. Paragon is available on PC and PS4, released on August 16, 2016 as an Open Beta. Paragon is a cross-platform game, so PC and PS4 players can play and fight for Agora together. Your progress is also synced on both accounts.

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