2018-02-08 4

From mythical beasts you cant pronounce, to the most dangerous creature in all of Australia, the DROP BEAR, these are 10 FAMOUS Australian Cryptids \r
The Muldjewangk (muldge-u-wink) -- Did you know these cryptids are known as a terrible race of creatures? Well, their name is certainly terrifying … if you dont believe us, just try pronouncing their name. Details on this creature vary … Some say its a single giant monster … others say theyre a race of half-human, half-fish mermen and mermaids. According to Australian Aboriginal mythology, they dwell deep in the Murray River in South Australia. Theyre said to hide under large clumps of seaweed, which should be avoided. Pestering these creatures could result in the offender being stricken with running red blisters appearing all over their body .. which is followed by a slow, agonizing death. Some elders say these creatures no longer inhabit the river system … we say thats a good thing!\r
Queensland Tiger -- its native name is ‘the Yarri (yarrie like mary)and its described as a dog-sized feline creature with prominent front teeth, stripes and a long tail. Earliest documented sightings date from 1871, although indigenous traditions of the Yarri preceded these. Reports of the creature have consistently been received from northeast of Queensland, but sightings have decreased since the 1950s. A creature similar to the Queensland tiger did exist … Thylacoleo (thy-la-ko-leo) was a large, predatory marsupial that became extinct 30,000 years ago … but modern sightings of a creature similar in appearance have led some experts to speculate a small population somehow survived in remote areas. Cryptozoologists speculate that the Tasmanian tiger could provide an explanation … those creatures match the description of the cryptid, but were declared extinct in 1986 … Is it possible some of them somehow managed to survive?\r
Yara Ma Yha Who (yarra-mah-ya-who) -- This cryptid comes from Australian Aboriginal mythology … and is said to resemble a small red man with an extremely big head, a large toothless mouth and suckers located on its hands and feet. Rather than hunting for food, it waits for an unsuspecting traveler to rest under the fig tree in which it lives. It then drops out of the tree and drains the victims blood using the suckers on its hands and feet. The creature then consumes the victim, after which it has a sip of water and takes a nap. When the creature awakes, it regurgitates the victim, leaving it shorter than before … the victims skin now has a reddish tint it did not have previously. \r
Drop Bears -- The best description of this cryptid might be that theyre huge, angry carnivorous koalas. They supposedly live atop gum and eucalyptus trees and hunt prey by dropping from the trees onto the noggins of their victims, knocking them out. Whereupon the Drop Bears usen their razor-like claws and sharp teeth to devour them. They are apparently unafraid of larger creatures and prefer to hunt at night. How does one protect himself? Its said that spreading vegemite or toothpaste behind the neck and ears will deter the beasts. \r
Yowie (yo-ee like joey) -- You could call this cryptid the North American Bigfoot and-or Yeti of Australia. Also known as the Yahoo, The Yowie (yoey)is said to stand up to twelve feet tall, with a body covered in brown or black fur. Although generally reported as bipedal, the creatures are known to run on all fours as well. Theyre most commonly sighted in Queenslands Gold Coast, and New South Wales. The first eyewitness accounts date to the 19th century but sightings as recent as new when two yowie (yoey) hunters claimed to have filmed the creature in South Queensland using an infrared tree camera … they supposedly found large footprints and collected fur samples as well. Two other sightings were reported the same year. \r
Bunyip (byewn-yip) -- This is one of the more famous Australian cryptids, and is believed to live close to billabongs, creeks or swamps. As many as nine regional variations of this creature are found throughout Aboriginal Australia so getting a definitive description is difficult. But most accounts agree that the Bunyip (byewn-yip) has flippers, tusks and a horse-like tail. Its said to make a loud bellowing noise when approached, and comes out at night to feast on children, women and animals. Sightings of this cryptid date back to the 19th century and were often reported during the Depression in the 1930s. Some real-life explanations for the Bunyip 9byewn-yip) include it being the Australasian Bittern (bit-urn), a large, shy bird known for its distinctive booming call … its often referred to as the ‘Bunyip (byewn-yip)