10 REACTIONS When Children Confessed They Were LGBT

2018-02-06 5

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1. Chads mom could not accept the recently revealed f that he was gay. It was against nature, she told him, and demanded he move out of her house. Chad then turned to his grandfather for help. His grandfather quickly wrote a letter to his daughter, Christine. It read: You are correct that we have a shame in the family, but youre mistaken about what it is. Kicking Chad out of your home simply because he told you he was gay is the real ‘abomination here. A parent disowning her child is what goes ‘against nature. The letter goes on: “You however have made a choice of being hurtful, narrow-minded, and backward. So, while we are in the business of disowning our children, I think Ill take this moment to say goodbye to you. I now have a fabulous (as the gay put it) grandson to raise, and I dont have time for heartless B-word of a daughter. I[f] you find your heart, give us a call. Dad.”\r
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2. An ultra-conservative father discovered on Snapchat that his son, Brett, was gay. The father texted to his son that he found something very disturbing on the site. He asked if it was true that he was gay, and the son texted back, “Yes.” The next day, Bretts 20th birthday, the young man was very nervous about the bottom falling out with the news he shared to his father. Then he received a text from him, which read: Happy Birthday son. I love you more than you will ever know and I am so proud of you. I am lucky to have a son like you. Brett, I love you more today than yesterday, we will talk soon. The disturbing thing the father found on the site had nothing to do with Bretts gay lifestyle. Brett shared his fathers message to him in the hopes that it would inspire others to come out.\r
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3. Ellen DeGeneres told her mother she was a lesbian many years ago. There was only one thought that came to mom Bettys mind. She said, “I thought, ‘Oh darn, her engagement picture wont be in the New Orleans paper so all my friends can see it. She then gave her a big hug and has supported her famous daughter ever since.\r
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4. A 72-year-old grandmother was so bothered by the thoughts of her nieces planned same- marriage that she wrote and performed a song about it. Now..she was not bothered by her own thoughts of the marriage, but the narrow-minded thoughts of others.\r
Says Sherri Gray of Nashville, “Im not an ivist, but I get goddamn mad by narrow-mindedness and prejudice and crazy stuff. We [religious people] are not all crazy, were not all nutjobs, and we dont hate all LGBT people. A link to the song can be found in our Show More area, where we post transcriptions of all of our videos and list most all of our sources.\r
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5. And speaking of religion, Father Martin made the following controversial post the day after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized marriage equality nationwide. It read:\r
No issue brings out so much hatred from so many Catholics as homouality. Even after over 25 years as a Jesuit, the level of hatred around homouality is nearly unbelievable to me, especially when I think of all of the wonderful LGBT friends I have.\r
The Catholic church must do a much better job of teaching what the Catechism says: that we should treat our LGBT brothers and sisters with respect, sensitivity and compassion.\r
But God wants more. God wants us to love. And not a twisted, crabbed, narrow tolerance, which often comes in the guise of condemnations, instructions and admonitions that try to masquerade as love, but ual love.\r
Love means: getting to know LGBT men and women, spending time with them, listening to them, being challenged by them, hoping the best for them, and wanting them to be a part of your lives, every bit as much as straight friends are part of your lives.\r
Love first. Everything else later. In f, everything else is meaningless without love.\r
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6. During a Friday night homecoming game at Marina High School in Huntington Beach, California, Cassidy Lynn Campbell was crowned homecoming queen. Now that may not sound all that special to you. But Cassidy is not your typical student. 16-year-old Cassidy is a transgender.\r
She was shocked when blue and gold balloons revealed she had won the crown. She just dropped to the ground and started crying. With many classmates supporting her, she was the first transgender student nominated to the court.\r
A very tearful and emotional Cassidy said after the event, “I wasnt doing this for me. I was doing this for so many others around the nation.”\r
Cassidy, formerly known as Lance, wants to become an LGBT ivist and has this message for other transgender teens: ‘Just to be true to themselves and to le