Title Track - Honeymoon - Soham - Subhashree - Savvy - Premendu Bikash Chaki - YouTube

2018-02-06 27

The quirkiest song of the season is all geared up to make you dance till you drop. Composed and written by Savvy and sung by Savvy and Akriti Kakkar, it has the right zing to lift up your mood.

Movie: Honeymoon

Song: Honeymoon Title Track

Singer: Savvy & Akriti Kakkar

Lyrics: Savvy

Guitar: Sanjoy Das

Programmed, Mixed and Mastered by: Subhadeep Mitra

Music: Savvy

Director: Premendu Bikash Chaki

Presenter: Nispal Singh & Shyam Sundar Dey

Produced by: Surinder Films & Greentouch Entertainment