The Life and Death of Nigel, the World’s Loneliest Seabird
For all anyone knew, Mr. Bell said, "other birds had came before, seen the concrete decoys and said, ‘Ugh, we’re not fooled by that.’
But Nigel was fooled." His presence most likely helped draw the three birds there and persuaded them to hang out.
Chris Bell said that It seems like such a wrong ending for Nigel to die now,
Nigel was also seen trying to mate with her." A botanist doing a survey for Friends
of Mana Island named the bird Nigel "no mates" because he had no friends.
4, 2018
LONDON — The story of a lonely seabird named Nigel who tried to woo a mate
that had a heart of stone and died on an uninhabited island off New Zealand has captivated many on social media.
Bell said that I think the saddest part of this story is what a frustrating existence to be courting this stone bird and getting nothing back,
Bell said that New Zealand was an amazing place for seabirds before humans arrived,