The 8 Worst Foods for Your Muscles

2018-02-05 10

The 8 Worst Foods for Your Muscles
A Step by Step Guide To Eating Healthy, Burning Fat, and Building Muscle -

The 8 foods you shouldn't eat if you want to build strong muscles:

1. Alcohol
When you consume alcohol regularly, you put more stress on your body, increasing antioxidant demands. Normally antioxidants are used to help recovery muscles after workout, now they need to metabolize the alcohol.

2. All-Purpose Flour
All-purpose flour which mainly provides empty calories is a main ingredient of most cakes, cookies, breads, and other tasty carb-filled products. Empty calories have 0 value for our muscles.

If you want to find replacement, you can find many recipes that use higher fiber flours, or mix of flours, including a 50 - 50 combination of all-purpose flour and whole wheat pastry flour.

3. Sausages
This processed meat is full of saturated fat, sodium and calories.
Additionally, it has a preservative called nitrites, which helps slow bacterial growth and maintain that appetizing red colors in meat. Nitrites can lead to the creation of nitrosamines, chemicals some studies connect with cancer.

4. Pre-Made Smoothies
Ordering a smoothie when you’re in a rush is not the smartest idea.
A lot of pre-made smoothies are full of calories, (usually between 600 and 1000 on average), and are loaded with sugar.
Even if you mix it with protein powder, the massive amounts of sugar will undo all good, and lower value for your muscles.

5. Doughnuts
Doughnuts don't contain any healthful ingredients for your body and growing muscles. So Better forget about these pastries that are made from refined flour, fried and contain a lot of sugar.

6. Processed Cheese
All cheese has many important nutrients for muscle growth, but also not so good sodium and fat. However, in comparison processed cheese has less protein per ounce then unprocessed cheese. Plus, processed cheese has a full list of ingredient that you don't want to put into your body.

7. High Sugar Breakfast Cereals
If your cereals has sugar in the top 3 ingredients, (it can be ingredient with different name for sugar), or more than 5 grams of sugar, don't buy it. Some cereals look like healthy food, but can contain much more sugar then you realize.

8. Soda
There is nothing beneficial for your muscles, or even whole body in drinking soda, which is basically sugar-water. Too much caffeine from cola can also weaken your bones. Additionally, drinking a lot of cola, soda or other sweet drinks, lowers your appetite for other, muscle-building foods, you could be eating or drinking (such as glass of protein-filled milk).

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