Super Why Paint - Childrens Color/Painting Games - Super Why Coloring Book App For Kids

2018-01-30 86

Super Why Paint - Childrens Color/Painting Games - Super Why Coloring Book App For Kids\r
iTunes: \r
Calling all super painters! Make painting super duper with 48 coloring pages featuring your favorite SUPER WHY charers from the hit PBS KIDS TV : Alpha Pig, Princess Presto, Wonder Red, and, of course, Super Why!\r
Fingers up! With a spectacular swipe of the color wheel, your child can personalize and experiment with a painting palette of 20 colors and a set of 19 virtual SUPER WHY-themed stickers!\r
Lets Paint! includes 48 wonderrific coloring pages that feature the superhero sidekicks in a variety of super poses.\r
Music added to video\r
Inner Light Kevin MacLeod (\r
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License\r