Little Fox Animal Doctor リトルフォックス どうぶつのいしゃ 小さい狐動物医者 子供幼児向け教育知育スマホゲーム BEST KIDS MOBILE GAME APPS

2018-01-30 1

キツネさんは風邪を引いてしまいました。治すのを手伝ってくれる? \r
すり傷をつくったり、日焼けしちゃったりした、おかしな動物たち。彼らは腕の良いお医者さんの助けを待っています! \r
アカデミー賞にもノミネートされ、『ナイティナイト』 、Little Fox Music Box、『ナイティナイト サーカス』等の人気アプリを手掛けたアーティストHeidi Wittlingerによるこの新しい3Dアプリは、子供たちのお気に入りになること間違いなしです!\r
1. アプリに登場するのはキツネ、コウモリ、ウサギ、モグラ、そしてフクロウの5種類の動物たち。15種類の怪我や病気が理由で、病院を訪れます。\r
2. 子供たちはさまざまな治療法や薬を見つけて、動物たちを元気にしてあげることができます。\r
3. Little Fox Animal Doctor はアカデミー賞にもノミネートされ、『ナイティナイト』, Little Fox Music Box、『ナイティナイト サーカス』等の人気アプリを手掛けたアーティスト、Heidi Wittlingerによる初の3Dアプリです。彼女のアプリはこれまで全世界で500万回以上ダウンロードされています。\r
We received the Editor´s Choice award by Apple for Little Fox Animal Doctor And in addition our app was awarded the Tech with Kids Best Pick Award for exceptional design of a childrens app. \r
Little Fox has caught a cold. Can you help to find him a cure? The bat has broken its wing. Do you know what to do? \r
Whether a bump on the head, a stomach ache from too much candy, a little wound, or a sunburn, these funny animals need the help of a really good doctor! \r
From Oscar-nominated artist Heidi Wittlinger, the illustrator and director behind the bestseller Apps „Nighty Night“, „Little Fox Music Box“ and „Nighty Night Circus“ comes a wonderful new 3D-App which your child will love! \r
The app is full of humorous animations, amazing 3D illustrations, and funny short s. In the animal doctors office, located in a magical treehouse, the animals are waiting to be cured. Kids are playfully guided through applying treatments that they might have experienced themselves: measuring temperatures, taking medicine, getting a plaster. And of course, eating a snail is probably just good for owls! \r
Highlights: \r
1.There are 5 animals in the App - fox, bat, rabbit, mole and owl, with 15 different injuries, sicknesses, and diseases. \r
2. Your child has many different treatments and medicines to choose from to cure the animals and make them happy again. \r
3. Every time your child plays the App the animals have different illnesses, injuries and diseases. \r
4. Little Fox Animal Doctor is the first 3D-App by Oscar-nominated artist Heidi Wittlinger. She is also the creative genius behind Nighty Night, Little Fox Music Box and Nighty Night Circus. Her Apps have been downloaded over 5 million times worldwide. \r
The App will make your childrens dreams of being an Animal Doctor come true!

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