Less: Rotate the head with the hyoid bone (#Feldenkrais ATM)

2018-01-30 14

This is a Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson.
You can experience the lesson through this video.
See below for the summary. Enjoy the lesson. Thanks.
Title: Rotate the head with the hyoid bone

You learn to locate the hyoid bone and its effects on the rotation of the neck and the head.

The hyoid bone concerns most of the functionality of the head and the neck area.

In this lesson, you learn to move the hyoid bone left and right while the head is fixed, and rotate the head while the hyoid bone is fixed.

Use imagination when you learn to turn left.

Gist: http://dai.ly/x6dwy2o
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Nobuo Noguchi is Feldenkrais Practitioner in Kawagoe, Japan.
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