How to make 3D origami bird flamingo master class (tutorial)\r
This video shows how to make bird flamingo 3D origami. To assemble this graceful bird is best to use saturated pink color.\r
We need for assembling bird flamingo 355 pieces. Wings will need 104 pieces. Flamingos body is assembled of 88 pieces. Breast collected of 10 pieces. The neck need 28 pieces. On the head need 1 piece. The tail consists of 9 pieces. Beak need one piece and paws need 2 pieces. Need on rack 113 pieces.\r
We need: \r
235 pink, 113 green and 7 black triangular pieces. \r
How to make these pieces see here: \r
Making 1st, 2nd and 3rd row of 9 pink pieces in each\r
bend and make three rows of 9 pink pieces in each\r
Make the 7th row of 11 pink\r
Make still three rows of 11 pink each\r
Making breast\r
1st row: 4 pink\r
2nd row: 3 pink\r
3rd row: 2 pink\r
4th row: 1 pink\r
Making wing: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 pieces\r
6, and 5 pieces (attention, as it should insert pieces)\r
The following : \r
black, 4 pink; \r
black, 3 pink; \r
black, 2 pink; \r
Making the second wing in a mirror image \r
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7\r
6, and 5 pieces (attention, as it should insert pieces)\r
The following : \r
black, 4 pink; \r
black, 3 pink; \r
black, 2 pink; \r
Then well stick black feathers down\r
Making the tail flamingo: 2, 3, 4\r
Making neck of 28 pink\r
Making head and beak: Glue two pink pieces and insert 1 black\r
attach the neck (can glue) \r
bend wings and glue \r
glue the tail \r
Making rack 1st, 2nd and 3rd row of 8 green pieces each\r
4th row: 16 green \r
5th row: 16 green \r
6th row: 24 green \r
7th row: 33 green\r
Making of paper eyes \r
And glue them\r
Use bamboo skewers and make the paws flamingo little shortening\r
the length of their\r
attach the paws\r
And insert flamingo in the rack\r
And now you know how to make pink flamingo from the paper in the art 3D origami. If you want to use this video as master class for the assembly flamingo.\r
Also you can see how to make others 3D origami:\r