Star Wars - Top 10 Best Starships!\r
In this video we are mixing both the Expanded Universe and the Official Star Wars Canon. This is the way we look at the amazing Star Wars story as canon for us. Watch this video to see our full view on the galaxy far far away: Star Wars Canon (Our Thoughts) : \r
We hope you enjoy it and if you did like, comment and subscribe for more videos like this one! :)\r
Star Wars - Top 10 Best Lightsabers: \r
Star Wars - Top 10 Most Unique Lightsabers : \r
Top 10 Most Powerful Marvel Universe Weapons : \r
Star Wars Canon (Our Thoughts) : \r
10. Tie Fighter\r
9. The Outrider\r
8. ARC-170 Starfighter\r
7. Ebon Hawk\r
6. Star Destroyer\r
5. X-Wing Starfighter\r
4. Delta 7b Jedi Starfighter\r
3. Slave 1\r
2. Republic Attack Gunship\r
1. Millenium Falcon \r
- The Ghost\r
- The Rogue Shadow\r
- Eclipse Super Star Destroyer\r
- Old Republic Hammerhead Cruiser\r
- Venator Class Republic Cruiser\r
- Defender Class Light Corvette\r
- Fury Class Imperial Interceptor\r
- Tie Interceptor\r
- T-16 Skyhopper\r
- T-47 Snowspeeder\r
- The Twilight\r
- V-19 Torrent Starfighter\r
- Z-95 Headhunter\r
- Naboo N1 Starfighter\r
- V-Wing Starfighter\r
- Y-Wing Starfighter\r
- A-Wing Starfighter\r
- B-Wing Starfighter\r
- E-Wing Starfighter\r
- Q-Wing Starfighter\r
Music used:\r
- Star Wars The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer 2 Music\r
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer Music\r
- Star Wars The Old Republic - Hoth, The Frozen Wastes\r
- Star Wars The Old Republic - \r
- Star Wars The Old Republic - Main Theme\r
- Star Wars The Force Unleashed - Starkiller Theme\r
- Star Wars The Force Unleashed - Battle Theme\r
- Star Wars The Clone Wars - Main Theme\r
- Star Wars The Force Awakens Japanese Trailer Music\r
- Star Wars The Force Awakens Final Trailer Music\r
Remember guys: God is awesome all the time , may the force be with you always and we will see you in another video you REBEL SCUM!!! ;)