Sexual Abuse & Harassment Cases in The Workplace West Palm Beach

2018-01-25 1

Approximately one in three women are the victims of sexual harassment or sexual abuse in the workplace. Even though most victims are women, men can be victims of abuse and harassment at work too. Millions of men and women are victims each year, yet most victims never report their abusers or harassers. Do not allow a perpetrator to get away with this type of behavior. Our Florida sexual harassment attorneys can help you report the abuse, file a claim, and seek justice for workplace sexual misconduct.What is Sexual Harassment and Sexual Abuse?Sexual abuse and sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal under federal and state laws. The law prohibits an employer or another employee from harassing you or discriminating against you because of your gender, race, age, color, religion, or national origin. If you are being harassed or abused at work, you do not need to face the abuser alone.Our West Palm Beach sexual harassment attorneys are here to help you as you come forward and expose workplace sexual abuse and harassment. Do not allow pressure or fear to keep you from exposing harassment and abuse in the workplace. Call (800) 654-2024 for help as you seek justice for unlawful harassment and abuse in the workplace.Don't Hesitate to ask any questions.Call: (561) 655-1990We will reply within 24 hours, and often the same day.Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath515 N Flagler Dr, 10th floor West Palm Beach Florida, FL 33401 Phone: (561) 655-1990 Toll Free: (800) 654-2024 Fax: (561) 832-2932 Español: (561) 833-1964