Border Wall ‘Off the Table,’ Schumer Says, as Immigration Progress Unravels

2018-01-25 1

Border Wall ‘Off the Table,’ Schumer Says, as Immigration Progress Unravels
“I went to a meeting yesterday, a bipartisan meeting of senators, and we’ll see where it goes.”
While Mr. Durbin has suggested that the Durbin-Graham proposal should be the starting point for negotiations, Senator Jeff Flake, an Arizona Republican who has been a key participant in the bipartisan talks
and has a history of bucking his party on immigration, said that would not be the case
If you’ve got any ideas, let us know, but the Senate is going to lead on this issue.”
The week before the shutdown, a bipartisan group of six senators led by Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, and Mr. Graham proposed a measure
that would have provided a path to citizenship for DACA recipients, as well as more than $2.5 billion for border security and a grant of protected status for the parents of the Dreamers, who would be barred from sponsoring their parents for citizenship.

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