UFO Aliens In Area 51 Were Filmed For the First Time In Human History

2018-01-24 2

Area 51 in Nevada, US is like no other place on Earth\r
Many of you visited Area 51 Alien welcome center\r
Some of you even spent $1,000 for a night with three boobs alien girl in a brother nearby \r
But only one of out 100 millions humans was really beyond this barbed wire\r
Inside these concrete buildings \r
Connected by underground tunnels stretching all the way to Denver in Colorado and Sierra Nevada in California \r
In the eyes of skeptics Area 51 looks something like this \r
In the eyes of believers it looks something like that \r
Today using ual footage, photos, satellites & reenment from testimonies of CIA officers you shall learn the truth \r
In the middle of Area 51 there is a giant bunker that used to house ual alien space ship\r
Other bunkers used to house ual aliens - they were moved now and even CIA does not know where \r
They are empty now because they afraid President Trump will come and see what we about to show you \r
Actual Area 51 of Doctors working on Alien\r
Since 1960s the main goal of Area 51 was not only to recreate alien spacecrafts fro military use\r
But to mix human and alien DNA to create hybrid race \r
DNA they obtain from crashed UFO Aliens that was surprisingly 90%+ close to human \r
new Area 51 Alien Footage as it was aired on news