There will be many times on your entrepreneurial journey when you feel like giving up. When you feel all of the doubt creep in, the negativity mounting.
But it is in these times when we truly learn who we are and how strong we can be. It is in these times when we figure out what we are made of. It is in these times that we prove to ourselves and the world that we will not lay down.
We will not stop fighting for what we believe in. We will not give in to the pressures of the world. Because we are the last line of defense. Against poverty, against greed, against the slavery of the corporate world.
You see, it is us, the entrepreneurs of the world, who provide for those who cannot provide for themselves. It is us, the innovators and thinkers, who create solutions to problems that affect billions of people around the world. It is us, the risk-takers, who put our businesses and our livelihoods on the line every single day so that our families can live better lives.
Being an entrepreneur is much bigger than you and I, because being an entrepreneur affects every person on this planet. When we build our dreams into life, we give hope to those who have none. We pave the way for others to throw down the chains of mental bondage and pursue their own dreams. We inspire those who cannot inspire themselves.
And it is this burden that we share with one another, and one that we should rejoice in. For we know, at the end of the day, that we are doing our part to make this world a better place. We are asking of ourselves a mighty task, and giving of ourselves an incredible amount.
But the world needs us. Our communities need us. The people need us. They need us to be strong, to stand resolute. They need us to persevere. They need us to be there for them because nobody else is. That is our purpose. That is our mission. That is why we do what we do every single day.
So I thank you, fellow entrepreneurs. I thank you for your courage. I thank you for your sacrifices. I thank you for everything that you do for others. I thank you for your acts of service to the world. I thank you for your dedication to being a role model for others, a shining example for the world to follow.
When times get tough, and you feel like giving up, just remember that you are not alone. The road ahead will be a difficult one, of that you can be sure. There are no words that will make your path easier. But at the end of that journey you will come out a stronger man. A stronger woman. You will become the person who is capable of accomplishing the goals you set.
But you must keep going.