Minneapolis Home Inspector Shows Radon Mitigation System Not Installed Properly

2018-01-22 17

Right Home Inspections
13533 290th Circle NW
Zimmerman, MN
(612) 568-1142

When inspecting the installation for the Radon Mitigation System, we discovered that whoever installed it, set it up to draw out of the sump basket, which is very common, but the sump basket cover was not replaced with a sealed cover. Notice the output hole where the sump pump would discharge its output. Had there been a sump pump installed, which should have been done while the mitigation system was being installed. The Mitigation System is instead drawing air from the house. So it is not drawing the air out of the subfloor and not reducing the Radon at all in this home!

Since the mitigation system is not set up properly
(1) It's not reducing the Radon
(2) It's wasting electricity and
(3) It's creating a false sense of security.

Hire a Radon Mitigation Professional to install your Radon Mitigation System.

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