Texas middle school student denied lunch for 50 cent debt

2018-01-18 1

FORT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS — A Texas mom says her 12-year-old son was denied school lunch from a cafeteria worker because of a debt less than a buck.

Sixth-grader Matt Williams says he refused lunch at James Bowie Middle School for having a negative account balance of 50 cents.

"I was hungry, my head hurted, I felt kind of dizzy a little bit," Matt told KIAH.
Apparently, before the Christmas break, Matt was trying to get a drink and a bag of chips.

When it got time to pay, the lunch lady told him he didn't have anymore money left on his account and that he was out of luck.
According the Matt and his mom, students and even faculty often carry negative balances and can still get food.

The principal has since reached out to Matt's mom to apologize.