Everyone Is Getting Hilariously Rich and You’re Not

2018-01-15 6

Everyone Is Getting Hilariously Rich and You’re Not
It’s a niche, and I’m going to fill it.”
He says he is going to shoot a music video soon for a song called “Lambo Party”
and another called “Cryptomom,” about “all these moms are pumping in their children’s savings accounts.”
Maria Lomeli, 56, came to the party to find the people she had put a lot of trust in.
“Right now all our entertainers come from outside crypto culture — not inside crypto, and we’ve got to change that,” he said.
The cryptocurrency community is centered around a tightknit group of friends — developers, libertarians, Redditors
and cypherpunks — who have known each other for years through meet-ups, an endless circuit of crypto conferences and internet message boards.
There’s an actual house called the Crypto Castle, and the king is Jeremy Gardner, 25, a rakish
young investor with a hedge fund who has become the de facto tour guide for crypto newcomers.
He drew a chart to explain the crypto community: 20 percent for ideology, 60 percent for the tech
and 100 percent for the money, he said, drawing a circle around it all.