After Firestorm Over 'S---hole' Remark, Trump Tweets 'America First!'

2018-01-13 8

One day after a firestorm erupted over his "s---hole" remark, President Trump wrote on Twitter, "America First!"

One day after a firestorm erupted over President Trump's reported "shithole" remark, he took to Twitter Saturday morning and just wrote, "America First!"
Citing American interests, Trump has long pushed for curbing non-merit based immigration and better border security.
The Washington Post reported Thursday that according to people briefed on a meeting between Trump and lawmakers on immigration, the president said in reference to Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries, "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?"
Trump's reported comment drew widespread criticism.
"It's not how a president should speak. It's not how a president should behave," former Vice President Joe Biden wrote on Twitter. "Most of all, it's not what a president should believe. We're better than this."
During a press appearance on Friday, Trump didn't answer any questions from reporters but privately, according to a source, the Associated Press noted, Trump "wasn't apologetic" when talking to his allies about the remark.
"Instead, Trump blamed the media for distorting his meaning, arguing his description of 'shithole' was not racist but rather a straightforward assessment of some nations' depressed conditions," the Associated Press reported.

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