Based loosely on the life of revered French producer Humbert Balsan Father of My Children revolves around Grégoire Canvel (Louis-Do de Lencquesaing), a man who seemingly has everything: a wife he loves, three delightful children and a stimulating job. Discovering talented filmmakers and developing films that fit his conception of the cinema - free and true to life - is his raison dêtre. Grégoire devotes almost all his time and energy to his work. Except on weekends, which he spends in the country with his family - gentle interludes, precious and fragile. With his exceptional charisma, Grégoire commands admiration. He seems invincible. Yet his prestigious production company, Moon Films, is on its last legs. Despite this Grégoire ploughs on at all costs. Where will his blind obstinacy lead him? Father of My Children is both a tribute to the trials and tribulations of film making and a moving meditation on loss and remembrance.