Amateur paramotor pilot in terrifying crash

2018-01-10 2

This is the heart-stopping moment an amateur paramotor pilot dropped 150-feet out of the sky and smashed into the ground.

In the video, which was captured in Georgia, USA in August 2017, the man's motor suddenly appears to cut out and he falls fast before hitting the ground.

Amazingly, the man escaped with only minor injuries.

The filmer writes, ''I was at a friend's house who wanted to teach me how to fly a trike.''

''Everything went well on takeoff except, the throttle cable broke at around 150 feet.

''The area that I had to land was surrounded by barbed wire fences and my options were to either hit the fence or turn sharply into the ground to avoid contact with the barbed wire.''

''Was able to get up and walk away immediately after the crash but just some bumps and bruises.''

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