The Predictors (English Subtitles) - FULL MOVIE (Kim SooYoung 2016)

2018-01-10 1


The world has started to notice the dynamics of the clubs in Seoul, South Korea. However, negative preconceptions about the clubs are still embedded in our culture. Drugs, and excessive drinking are examples of the main problems that people perceive. Unfortunately, they are missing out on so many great things that are happening in the club scenes because of their preconceptions. Film maker Kim SooYoung truly hopes this documentary provides an opportity for people to see the unseen, yet beautiful sides of the club cultures and the DJs.

Music in order of appearance:
Guillaume & The Coutu Dumonts- Mindtrap [Circus Company] 2012
Steve Moore - Frigia [L.I.E.S.] 2011
Marcos Cabral - 24 Hour Flight [L.I.E.S.] 2011
Santiago Salazar - Your Club Went Hollywood [Wallshaker Music] 2010
Sepalcure - Carrot Man [Hotflush Recordings] 2011
Alex Burkat - Shower Scene [Mister Saturday Night Records] 2013
Julio Bashmore- Battle For Middle You [PMR Records] 2011
Alex Burkat - Ammadomyownthing [Mister Saturday Night Records] 2013
KINGMCK - Caravan [pute deluxe] 2015
Archie Pelago - Clammy Customer [Mister Saturday Night] 2015
Cromie - Onda [Amadeus Records] 2015
Frank Roger- I Take You Up [Circus Company] 2012
DJ Romain - All Day, All Night [Romatt Music / King Grooves] 1996 & 2010
Braille - A Meaning [Hotflush Recordings] 2011

Producer and Director - Sooyoung Kim
Camera - Sohyun Lee, Yong Eul Kwon, Jin Sung Oh, Suk Hyun Yoon, Min Jae Lee, Da Seul Kang, Sooyoung Kim, Geun Woo Kim
Color - Tae Hyung Kim, Sooyoung Kim
Edit - Sooyoung Kim, Tae Hyung Kim
Design - Yong Bin Kim, Mi Rim Kim
vfx - Yu Rim song