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Irish People Try The Hottest Curries

2018-01-04 18

"The taste is fine, but my mouth IS on fire."

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More Information:
Here at Facts. we're always up for giving our contributors a challenge - so we decided that instead of doing just hot curries, we'd have: The (Dublin) Hot Curry Quiz! For each wrong answer, our lovely volunteers had to take a bit of each spicy curry - who handled it best?

Contributors featured in this video:

Martin & Dianne
Bláithín & Paul
Seán & Elga

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Credits :
Produced by Creative Nation
Music licensed from Epidemic Sound

Follow the Facts family:

Facts. is an online brand that creates short and relate-able videos including taste tests, watching TV/ YouTubers, gender taboos & more.

Similar to channels such as BuzzFeed, WatchCut, TheFineBros & GMM we focus on creating content that depicts people (usually Irish people) experiencing new things for the first time, whether that be food, drink or maybe a TV show!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this video are solely those of the contributors featured and do not necessarily represent those of the Facts Channel.