Briton imprisoned for carrying painkillers into Egypt Exchanged to new jail

2017-12-27 2

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Briton imprisoned for carrying painkillers into Egypt Exchanged to new jail
THE mother of an English lady imprisoned for a long time for sneaking Tramadol into Egypt says she has been surprisingly exchanged to another jail.

Her family said she was taking the tablets for her Egyptian accomplice Omar Caboo, who experiences serious back agony and had no clue what she was doing was wrong.Her sister, Rachel Plummer, affirmed that she had been imprisoned for a long time by a judge when she showed up in court on Tuesday.She said she didn't know the points of interest of a trial had occurred and why the choice had been taken. Rachel said her mom had made a trip out to Egypt for the hearing and was "crushed" by the sentence.The Plummer family has already said the 33-year-old had no clue that what she doing was unlawful and was simply "daft".They said she didn't endeavor to shroud the solution, which she had been given by a companion, and she thought it was a joke when she was pulled over by authorities in the wake of touching base for an occasion with her accomplice. In a television talk with a month ago, Mrs Sinclair said her little girl was being held in awful conditions in a mutual cell without any beds, imparting to up to 25 other women.Her family had been informed that she could look up to 25 years in prison, with one attorney notwithstanding specifying capital punishment. 00FastNews. Kindly Subscribe!

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