How to Dual Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu 13.10

2017-12-20 7

How to Dual Boot any Windows OS and Ubuntu\r
1) Go to Start, Right Click Computer, and Click Manage\r
2) Go to Disk Management underneath Storage\r
3) Right Click the Biggest Local Hard Drive Partition and Shrink Volume\r
4) Shrink Volume at least 5.9 GB for a Partition for Ubuntu\r
5) Have a Bootable USB or Disk of Ubuntu\r
6) Restart Computer\r
7) Press F2, F8, or F10 to access the Utility Setup\r
8) Change the Boot Order to boot USB or Disk before Hard Drive\r
9) Restart Computer\r
10) Boot USB or Disk that has Ubuntu\r
11) Install Ubuntu, Continue, Continue, Select Something Else, Continue\r
12) Under the Partition Table, you can only have 4 sdas\r
13) For the free space, make sure that you leave at least 256 MB for a swap area (which is the boot loader selector)\r
14) Create a Partition, Primary, Ext4 Journal, on mount / (at least 5.9 GB)\r
15) Create a Partition for Logical, swap area (at least 256 MB)\r
16) Select the Partition for Ubuntu (5.9 GB) that you set for Ext4 Journal and Install Ubuntu\r
17) Fill in the information for the user, password, time zone, etc\r
18) Wait until the computer finishes set-up of Ubuntu\r
19) When you restart the computer, you should see a Grub Boot Loader Selection menu\r
20) Select Ubuntu or Windows 7\r
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