Eclectic Voices ( singing a composition of mine entitled ‘Wimbo Huu / This Song’ at the ‘Love Eclectic’ – an informal get-together singing event held at Christ Church Highbury in North London on Thursday 25 June 2015; and at the American International Church (AIC) in Central London on Friday 3 March 2017 as part of the Brundenburg Music Festival - Spring 2017.
The lyrics are as follows, with the end from Matthew 23:12:
Wimbo huu ni wa kumsifu Bwana Yesu Kristo (Soprano)
Wimbo huu unamtukuza na kumsifu Bwana Mungu wetu (Alto, Tenor and Bass)
Kutangaza sifa zake za wokovu wetu (Soprano and Bass)
Atuongoza tufike kwake milele! (Alto and tenor)
Kwani ajikwezaye atashushwa, Naye ajishushaye atakwezwa
(For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted - Matthew 23:12)