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FANNY ROZ performs the song "TROIS PETITS CHATS" for BalconyTV.
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És difícil escoltar la Fanny Roz i no pensar en nimfes i altres éssers mitològics. El món dels somnis, la infantesa i el naïf es conjuguen en el món summament personal d'aquesta cantautora francesa establerta a Barcelona que ha anat recollint experiències pel món i les ha reflectit, finalment en els temes del seu primer disc, publicat per BCore. "Prend son Souffle et Saute" és tot delicadesa, campanes i pianos de joguina, la banda sonora ideal per perdre's al bosc de les fades.
It is difficult listening to Fanny Roz and don't think about nymphs and other mythological creatures. The dream's world, the childhood and the naïve are present in the extremely personal world of this French singer-songwriter established in Barcelona who have been gathering experiences around the world to put it together in the songs of her first studio album, edited by BCore. "Prend son Souffle et Saute" is full of finesse, little bells and toy pianos: the ideal score to get lost in a fairy wood.
A clicksound & lizardqueen music Production
Producers: Ruben Ginestós & Maria Blay
Presenter: Laura C. de Agorreta
Script: Míriam Cano
Sound & Sound Production: Jonbi Belategi
Sound Assistant: Jaume Llinares
Audio post production: David Garcia
Styling: Ura Garcia Panyella
Photographer: Martina Matencio
Sound & Lights: TST So i llums (
Wear: Hackney // Streetwear & Sneakers (
Views: Hotel Barcelona Princess (
Catering: Bernie's Diner, Grill & Bar (
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