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MARION HARPER performs the song "WHERE I BELONG" for BalconyTV Barcelona.
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La barreja de les arrels càlides de l'Uruguai per part de mare i la practicitat britànica per part de pare equilibren el so de la joveníssima Marion Harper. Amb només divuit anys, la Marion ha posat les bases d'un estil propi i personal, amb temes de base acústica amb tocs electrònics, ple de la llavor que de ben segur veurem germinar en el seu primer EP, que està a punt de sortir al mercat. Precocitat i talent, com ja ens han demostrat molt altres artistes, no estan renyits.
The mixture of Uruguayan warm roots, from her mother, and the British effectiveness, balance the sound of the young Marion Harper. She is only eighteen, but she has already put the foundations of a close and personal style, with acoustic-based sounds with a pinch of electronics, all them full of the seed that we'll see in bloom in her first EP, soon to be released. Precocity and talent, as shown to us by a bunch of artist, are not at odds.
A clicksound & lizardqueen music Production
Producers: Ruben Ginestós & Maria Blay
Production assistant: Jordi Casadesús
Presenter: Marta Terrasa
Script: Míriam Cano
Sound & Sound Production: Jonbi Belategi
Audio post production: David Garcia
Video: clicksound
Styling: Ura Garcia Panyella
Photographer: Martina Matencio
Sound & Lights: TST So i llums (
Wear: Hackney // Streetwear & Sneakers (
Views: Hotel Ayre Rosselló (
Video material support: Mas que Video Profesional (
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