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ROXANNE DE BASTION performs the song "BUTTERFLY" for BalconyTV.
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My name is Roxanne de Bastion and I’m a Singer / Songwriter. I was born and raised in Berlin, where I grew up listening to the Beatles, learning guitar and attempting to write and perform my own songs.
Once I finished school I decided it was time to move into my own life of music and so I packed a bag, my guitar and flew to London with a one-way ticket in 2007. Since then I’ve been fortunate to be able to play my songs across the country and pave my own musical path. I’m now based in London, but spend most of my time on trains across the UK playing in as many different nooks and crannies as possible.
Although it’s not always easy, I am infinitely thankful to be able to practice what fulfils me most, to make and perform music, and for all of you who have found enjoyment in my songs and journey. Thank you so much for coming to my shows, listening to my words and for your support!
I had the amazing opportunity to record my first album, which I’ve released on my own label ‘Nomad Songs’ in April 2013. The 10 songs on the record were all written throughout my travels in the UK and tell of my life, things I observe and people I meet.
I can’t wait to see what this year has in store and look forward to playing in new places, meeting new people, touring Germany, the UK and hopefully going back to New York.
Roxanne De Bastion cantautrice nata e cresciuta a Berlino dove ha maturato una passione per i Beatles. Finito il liceo decide di trasferirsi a Londra, dove ora vive.
Roxanne gira l'Europa con la sua chitarra, ha al suo attivo un EP e un disco, datato 2013, dal titolo "The Real Thing"
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