On Test: Goose Decoys

2017-12-15 1

Wildfowler Nick Horten is looking at innovation in wildfowling this week. There is a new range of self-inflating, easy-to-carry goose decoys - the Sillosocks - plus he has a top tip for clearing your barrel when it gets blocked on the marsh.

For more about Langstone Wildfowlers visit http://www.ladwaca.com
For decoys go to http://www.ukshootwarehouse.co.uk
Clothes by Seeland http://www.seeland.com
Cartridges by Eley Hawk htto://www.eleyhawkltd.com/
For Benelli, go to http://www.gmk.co.uk
For calls, go to http://www.mpkcustomcallsandwoodwork.com

This item appears on YouTube in Fieldsports Britain, episode 363 http://bit.ly/fieldsportsbritain363

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