A wide range of hunting and shooting for you in the show this week:
☆ We go back in time 100 years to look at sniping in the First World War and how the shooting community made it happen
☆ We look at the job of the modern-day terrierman. is it all about charging around on quadbikes and shooting foxes at close-range?
☆ We talk to a man who has a novel method of keeping grouse pinned to the heather while you move up quietly with dogs
And those are just the main features in this week's show. In Fieldsports Channel news, there's a man bowhunting a 525lb mako shark and another man who has to fight off a bear, and Hunting YouTube looks at the red stag rut, which is underway in many parts of the Norther Hemisphere.
Here are the links to the individual items
☆ Sniping in France
☆ News
☆ Terriermen
☆ Grouse
☆ Hunting YouTube
And here are the links to the films in Hunting Youtube:
Hushin With LaVere http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmTBUSxIoAI
Chasse Caza Hunting Channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gg3HhnZg5Q
Jacob Kamman http://vimeo.com/93527554
HookedonBoars http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdFs4Y6Eug8
NineInchFly (not Caccia HD HuntingHD) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laJceNyo3jg
Browning - Chaîne Française http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7CADxXG8fE
DucksUnlimitedInc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6M72vEcv0E
KAZBEK BEKOEV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukpufWA9U4I
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