2019-02-21 31

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DANIEL HERTZOV performs the song "LOOKING GLASS" for BalconyTV.
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My mandolin hero, Mike Marshall, was scheduled to teach a workshop at “Sore Fingers” - a music camp in the UK. I’d procrastinated so long, however, that the course was full. So I looked for an alternative. Songwriting. Taught by Darrell Scott. I had no idea who he was, and you can’t really learn songwriting… can you? I’d thought that songs were a mysterious gift from the muse - how could one teach that? I looked Darrell up online… and was blown away by his energy, musicianship, creativity and, above all, his remarkable songs. A week later i was in a room with 19 other song freaks. Some had been writing for years. Others, like me, had loved songs forever but never put the pieces together. I’d found my tribe. I started to work on becoming a songwriter. They say it takes 10,000 hours to get good at something. I’ve been writing songs steadily for 10 years. I studied great songs and wrote and recorded many many terrible songs (and some really good ones!). I worked a regular job full time. Started a family. Moved countries. And on the way I met some extraordinary people who were generous with their time. Who saw something in me they felt like nurturing. Darrell Scott. Tymon Tymanski. Mark Freegard. Boo Hewerdine. I made a record and ran out of steam trying to promote it. I cowrote songs and loved it. I played open mics till they became excruciating. And finally, after years of practice, I gained the friendship of songwriters and musicians who wanted to put a piece of themselves into the songs. When the Lohokla Magic Crew came together, it felt like I turned a corner. Promoting songs no longer felt like a Sisyphean task. The verb for making music is “play”. Making “Looking Glass” was fun.

Kosmopolityczny singer-songwriter, którego genealogia scala nadzwyczajne ekstrema. Urodzony w żydowskiej rodzinie w Rosji, w wieku kilku lat wyemigrował z rodziną do Stanów Zjednoczonych, by ponownie przeprawić się przez ocean i zamieszkać w Wielkiej Brytanii (przez ostatnie 13 lat dzielił życie między Anglię a Szkocję). Po drodze dwa razy przyjął obce obywatelstwo. To wszystko - jego zakręcony garnitur genów oraz ścieżki życiowe jakie obierał - sprawia, że sam lubi nazywać siebie "Obcym Mieszkańcem" ("Resident Alien") - określeniem z jednej ze swoich piosenek.
Dla Daniela pisanie to najbardziej naturalna forma komunikacji oraz próby zrozumienia świata.


HILL INN - http://hillinn.pl/

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